Teacher Resources

Websites for General Education

TpT Icon

Teaches Pay Teachers

Offers educator-created resources.

Find free resources, buy resources, or sell resources.

Resources are priced individually by seller.

Education.com Icon


A library of worksheets, games, lesson plans, activities, workbooks, exercises, songs, & stories.

Get limited free resources or purchase a membership for unlimited resources.

Khan Academy Icon

Khan Academy

Offers courses in math, science, history, reading & language arts, economics, art, test prep, & life skills.

Get lessons with instructional videos, practice, & quizzes.

Great for assigning extra practice to students

Discovery Ed Icon

Discovery Education

Offers STEM curriculum & educator resources, including virtual field trips.

A few resources are available without an account. An account using your school’s access code is the only way to fully access the content.

IXL Icon


Offers curriculum & instructional resources, diagnostics, & analytics.

Some practice problems are available for free. Must purchase a membership to use full website.

PBS Icon


Explore shows that can be matched to content being taught. Great for history, arts & music, science & nature, and news & public affairs.

WSRE PBS Passport is required for some shows.

PBS Kids Icon

PBS Kids

Provides a variety of shows & games for students. Some shows do not have all episodes available or must be watched using PBS.

View apps that are available for download.

Websites for Specialized Education

Center on MTSS Icon

Center on Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Provides information on the essential components & implementation of MTSS.

Access tools to help with implementation & search their resource library.

Center on PBIS Icon

Center on PBIS

Provides information on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports and a variety of topics pertaining to student behavior.

Access educational tools, publications, presentations, & videos.

PBIS World Icon

PBIS World

Provides information on PBIS, a variety of student behaviors, & tiered interventions.

Access evaluations, assessments, and monitoring & data tracking forms

Nessy Icon


A website dedicated to dyslexia.

Find information about reading & dyslexia.

Get limited free resources or purchase a variety of products. Free trial available.

This page is a work in progress. More resources will be added as they are vetted. If you have suggestions, please email gidget@educationdirt.com or use the Contact Form.